Monday, March 21, 2011

THINGS I LOVE: Randy Crawford

"Tender falls the rain
As I speak your name
And what it means to me." - Tender Falls the Rain

"There he goes,
Doesnt he need me?
How could he leave me?
Was he ever really there?" - In Real Life

"She only smiles, he only tells her
That she's the flowers, the wind and spring
In all her splendour sweetly surrend'ring
The love that innocence brings." - Almaz

"I feel like it's raining all over the world." - Rainy Night in Georgia

We were brought up with some quality music as kids, and Randy Crawford's Secret Combination album is one I distinctly remember.  Her voice is strong yet soft at the same time and quite unlike anything I've ever heard before.   Her lyrics have a way of describing certain sentiments and situations that I've experienced myself.  They also make me think about the true messages of her songs, like her lyrics "tender falls the rain, as I speak your name and what it means to me."  There are so many thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, and hopes all associated with a name, so how do you speak the name of someone you love in a way that aptly portrays everything it embodies?  Are tears an outward manifestation of all of the inward emotions you associate with that person and their spoken name, as they fall "tenderly" like rain upon your cheeks?  Perhaps.  In any case I got to see her perform Tender Falls the Rain  live in 2007.  She sounded exactly the same in person as on her album and her stage presence and persona were captivating.  Randy Crawford is one of a kind.

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